the union has demanded a shorter working week 意味
- 組合は週労働時間数の削減を要求した
- union union n. 合同, 一致; 同盟, 連合; 労働組合; 《文語》 結婚. 【動詞+】 The union has not been
- has {人名} : ハス
- shorter {人名} : ショーター
- working working n. 働き, 作業, 運転; 経営; (鉱山などの)採掘所, 現場. 【動詞+】 explore the inner
- week week n. 週, 週間. 【動詞+】 establish a five-day week (労働日 授業日などの)週 5 日制を設ける
- working week 週労働時間{しゅう ろうどう じかん}
- demand shorter working hours 労働時間の短縮を要求する
- shorter working hours 時短{じたん}、労働時間短縮
- working week 週労働時間{しゅう ろうどう じかん}
- 40 hour working week
- 40-hour working week 週40時間制{じかんせい}
- five day working week
- five-day working week 週5日制{にちせい}
- shorter {人名} : ショーター
- adopt a five-day working week 週休{しゅうきゅう}2日制をとる
- "the union defied the verdict of the court and continued their strike" 意味
- "the union demonstrated their commitment to the party by voting it a large sum of money" 意味
- "the union did not get a chance to put its demands to the ceo" 意味